Concept Test

Test the potential of your idea quickly and easily

The concept test from SPRINT Insights is the way to discover if your idea, product, or service has a chance of success. We offer you the opportunity to test the potential of your concepts quickly and easily. You will receive a clear overview of how your product/service scores on the key KPIs such as attractiveness, relevance, credibility, uniqueness, and brand fit.  

Our concept test provides exactly what you need to discover the strength of your concept and identify areas for improvement. And the best part? You have full control over the entire process via our user-friendly Research Platform. 

What is the added value? 

Imagine this: you have a great idea for a new product or service. You have already invested a lot of time and effort into it, but you are not sure if it will resonate with your target audience. This is where the concept test truly adds value. We test your idea with a representative group by carefully selecting at least 100 respondents. By testing your idea with a representative group, you gain valuable insights that help you refine and improve your concept before bringing it to market. 

How does the concept test work? 

We present your concept online to the selected respondents. These respondents evaluate the concept based on five universal concept KPIs, supplemented by valuable customer insights. Additionally, we thoroughly investigate how well the concept solves potential problems of the target audience. We also offer the possibility to add up to ten custom questions, providing even deeper insights into the strengths and weaknesses.  

At SPRINT Insights, we make it easy for you. You can quickly and easily request your concept test through our user-friendly platform. If it is more complex or you want to discuss it, our research managers are here to help. Do-It-Together is central to this process. In the SPRINT Research Platform, you set up your concept test together with a research manager. In both cases, you get the results in a clear dashboard in no time. 

Insights from a concept test 

With the concept test from SPRINT Insights, you receive detailed and valuable insights into how your target audience experiences your new service or product. You gain insights into the nuances of how your concept is perceived: whether your concept generates brand recognition, consumers’ purchase intent, and discover whether/what improvements are needed to increase the purchase intent.  

You will get answers to the following questions, among others: 

  • How does the target audience experience your new concept?
  • Is the concept attractive enough? 
  • What does your target audience consider when choosing your brand? 
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses? 
  • What improvements can increase purchase intent? 

The dashboard features of our Research Platform 

As mentioned, you have full control over the entire process of the concept test via our user-friendly Research Platform and interactive dashboard. The dashboard has the following features: 


An overview of the KPIs for all concepts and the benchmark. 


For each concept test, a page with an overview of the Overall Score, Appeal, Buying Intention, Recall, Relevance, Uniqueness, Believability, Brand fit, and Category fit. 


A heatmap visualizes the strengths and weaknesses of your idea, supplemented with valuable consumer feedback. 

Compare & filter

This feature allows you to compare the scores of different concepts with each other.

Custom questions

With the concept test, it is possible to ask custom questions to your target audience. This allows the standard concept test to be tailored to the specific research question. 

Do you also want to increase the chance of success when launching or updating your product or service? 

Request a demo and discover for yourself how simple and effective the concept test from SPRINT Insights is. Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you. 

Want to know how
our platform works?


Cérélia OaYeah! pancakes: From
concept card to supermarket shelves

Cérélia brought an innovation to the market: the OaYeah! fluffy American-style pancakes and large thin Dutch pancakes. The international food company not only launched a new brand, but also a completely new product – two pancake varieties made with oat milk. Before introducing this brand-new concept in four countries, Cérélia conducted a SPRINT concept test, enabling them to quickly test the idea.

By conducting the concept test, Cérélia was able to gather essential insights and feedback from potential consumers before the actual launch of the OaYeah! pancakes. This enabled Cérélia to make decisions quickly and efficiently based on solid data.

Concept test SPRINT cerelia