How Eneco was able to quickly choose between 3 digital advertisements

The energy market is constantly evolving, and over the past year, it has kept Eneco far from idle. The energy supplier wanted to determine which digital advertisement was most suitable for informing consumers about their recent offering of fixed price contracts. This was particularly relevant because the market was initially closed, and it was important to determine which variant was most effective in a cautiously recovering market. To make this decision wisely, the energy supplier subjected three different variants to the SPRINT advertising test.

The right test setup for reliable results

Thanks to the advertising test, Eneco quickly gained the insights needed to make a choice between the three options. The test was set up in collaboration with one of the SPRINT researchers. Using a monadic setup, three groups of N = 100 Dutch citizens each were presented with one variant. This measured the individual impact of the three digital ads, without being influenced by comparison with other variants.

Digital ad test as a proven SPRINT solution

The goal of the digital ad test is to gain insight into how the target audience appreciates the content and which elements score well or less well.

The digital ad test provides a clear overview of how content performs on various KPIs, including a heatmap where respondents click on attractive and unattractive elements. In addition, they explain their choice in an open answer.

The following KPIs are part of the optimized questionnaire:

  • Overall appreciation via a report grade with an explanation
  • The extent to which the brand is clearly presented
  • Stopping power
  • The message transfer of the advertisement (unaided)
  • To what extent the advertisement encourages action

As with any SPRINT test, it is possible to add custom questions to the existing questionnaire. Eneco wanted to ask an additional question about the generated interest in the energy contract offer.

Benchmark the success of your advertisement in the SPRINT dashboard

The results were available within 24 hours in the SPRINT dashboard. With the various analysis options of the dashboard, Eneco was able to easily compare the three digital advertisements on the different KPIs. At first glance at the dashboard, it quickly became clear which advertisement stood out.

In addition to various analysis options, the dashboard contains a solid benchmark against which the tested advertisements could be compared. This gave Eneco insight into how their advertisements compared to the SPRINT benchmark. Knowing how an advertisement performs on average helps identify the KPIs where improvement is still possible.

Would you like to know how you can quickly make a well-considered choice between different variants of an advertisement? Click here to read more about the digital ad test.

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