How does TUI manage to increase awareness of the best sustainable holidays?

For many consumers, the coronavirus measures made travel difficult last year. And yet, TUI had the desire to keep expanding its travel and holiday range. Including sustainable holidays, no less; after all TUI is keen to make a contribution to people and the environment at the holiday destinations it serves. In order to ensure that future generations can also enjoy a holiday, TUI is introducing fair travel; a package deal that allows both you and TUI to contribute to a ‘fair’ holiday with a positive impact. But how can TUI best get its fair travel message across? What is important to holidaymakers when they think about sustainability? SPRINT conducted research on two different TUI fair travel banners within 24 hours. Armed with the results, TUI could immediately improve its approach.

Planet Earth, fragile as it is, is currently a hot topic for many people, one which inspires them to live a fair and sustainable life. TUI also wants to make a contribution to this with fair travel: a range of holidays that takes into account the welfare of the local population and economy, includes a stay in a ‘green’ hotel and helps to make mobility more sustainable. With fair travel, TUI is aiming to convince a wider target group to travel more consciously and sustainably by making such holidays increasingly accessible. Fair travel holidays are not ‘survival holidays’; rather, they are standard and, to some extent, de luxe holidays. In order to raise awareness of this sort of holiday, TUI designed two different advertising banners. So the question is: which banner most motivates people to book these fair travel holidays?

TUI fair travel digital ad test

The first of TUI’s advertising banners focuses primarily on support for the local economy and population. The second one has the intention of clearing up misconceptions consumers might have and removing any reluctance about sustainable holidays, so that they can see that sustainable travel opens up many opportunities. SPRINT investigated which banner would have the greatest impact by distributing an on-line questionnaire for both banners. Both questionnaires were completed by around 100 residents of the Netherlands in next to no time.

SPRINT on-line questionnaire

We used our standard advertisement test for the TUI banner test. It has tried and tested questions such as:

  • How much does this advertisement appeal to you?
  • If you were to see the advertisement on a website, would you stop to look at it or keep on scrolling?
  • What mark out of ten would you give this advertisement, and why?
  • Is it clear to you that this is an advertisement for TUI?
  • Is this the sort of advertisement that might make you think about booking a sustainable package holiday or other travel?

We added a few other questions, such as which aspects of sustainability respondents found important and whether the message of the individual banners came over clearly or not. We also asked whether the respondents would be prepared to say which specific aspects of the advertisements they did or didn’t find appealing.

What did TUI fair travel learn from this study?

SPRINT had gathered all the results from the banner test within 24 hours, and handed them over to TUI. The results revealed that the respondents were enthusiastic about the idea of sustainable travel and package holidays. And on the basis of the respondents’ preferences TUI was then able to make a choice on which of the two potential banner designs to use and to improve that design where necessary. This process enables TUI to design the best possible banner while, at the same time, ensuring that its customers will book ‘fair’ holidays which have a positive impact. In that way, future generations will also be able to enjoy all the beauty our planet has to of is and where tweaks can be made. And on the basis of the respondents’ preferences TUI was then able to make a choice on which of the two potential banner designs to use and to improve that design where necessary. This process enables TUI to design the best possible banner while, at the same time, ensuring that its customers will book ‘fair’ holidays which have a positive impact. In that way, future generations will also be able to enjoy all the beauty our planet has to offer.

Which advertising campaign is it most worthwhile for you to continue developing? Have your advertisement(s) tested by SPRINT and get the answer within 24 hours. Read more here

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